On being a “Blog Virgin”

Hello Everyone!

Chances are that if you are reading this it is because I invited you to check out my blog.

Honestly, this is the first time I have ever written a blog and I have no idea if it will turn out well or not.  I have been writing essays, stories, poems, and whatnot for years.  Most of what I have written has only been marginally shared with others; a speech here, a letter there, an essay or poem shared with a particular person or group based on a particular topic.  I have had many people over the years tell me things like, “you should write a book” or “you write well; people need to read what you write.”  I have no real idea if any of that feedback is accurate or not.  Further, I have lots of people tell me things like, “you are so honest” and “you just say it like it is” and that doing so is “so refreshing!”    Well, the reality is that when one agrees with me, I might be refreshing.  But, if one does not agree with me, I’m a pretty big pain in the ass.  So, my hunch is that only the people who like something I have written bother to give me feedback and that the people who think my writing is horrible simply don’t say anything.

Regardless, I have a pile of files and papers and notes written on scrap paper that I decided I better start doing something with it all.  So, I’m going to take a big risk and begin this blog in which I share some of those scribbles, ideas, essays, and general writing with all of you.  It will be you who will decide if what I have to say is worth reading or not.  But, I do have a small request of you, my readers:  Please judge me and this blog slowly and gently.   Although I think I may have some useful little nuggets to share with you or at least some funny stories, I am new at this and I am certainly not a professional writer.  Please give me time to gain some “stride” in blog writing before you dismiss me and my ideas.

And, if you must criticize me or my writing, please do so with the knowledge that my intent is not to offend but to share myself with you; the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the brilliant, the foolish,  the flawed, and the wise…..the real of me, the authentic me, the genuine me, and the me meant to be shared as fully as I can.  Hopefully, if you realize that, your criticism of me will be tempered by your compassion.

Published by

Melissa Eagle Uhlmann

Hi! I'm Melissa. I have many roles in my life: wife, mom, registered nurse, public speaker, simplier, writer of thoughts and ideas, and now blogger. I believe the very act of breathing air into one's lungs makes life interesting. What a person does with that life is up to each individual. I endeavor to make my life well worth living.

22 thoughts on “On being a “Blog Virgin””

  1. Yay!!!!!! It’s about time 🙂
    Seriously, you are an amazing writer. I look forward to reading this!
    Rock on, woman. Make the world hear your roar – it needs to!

  2. Melissa,
    I am elated and more than happy to get connected with you. I’m sure that you will write from your heart. What else could I ask for? Many blessings I send you as you begin this endeavor.

  3. You know, one reason why I go on facebook is not to be nosey or see everyone’s vacation/kid photos. The truth is, I have a few friends who post hilarious photos and vidoes mixed with inspirational and sappy videos that are uplifting. Laughter and stories of human kindness are the best medicine for the soul. I look forward to your funny anecdotes and meaningful stories. I probably won’t be too much of a pain in your butt, but if I am, I will be a compassionate pain. 🙂

  4. Good morning Melissa! I am one of thoes who like what you write. (most of the time LOL) Love you and go for it girl.

  5. Courage is not so much bravery as it is holding on when others give up. Strength is not so much the power to fight as it is the determination to prevail against all odds. Faith is not so much a search for hope as it is the willingness to believe.

  6. Congrats on the new blog! I do want to read a lot of your writings!!! Keep it going!

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